Breastfeeding saves lives


Breastfeeding can feel like a challenging journey for many new parents, but it’s one of the

most impactful choices you can make for your baby’s health. At The Family Chiro, we

respect every family’s feeding decision and when breastfeeding is your chosen path, we will

support you in every way we can. Breastfeeding is literally a lifesaver. According to the

World Health Organization (WHO), increased breastfeeding rates could save 800,000 lives

annually, mostly those of infants under six months.

Why Breastfeeding Matters

Breastmilk isn’t just food; it’s a foundation for lifelong health. For babies, it boosts

immunity, reduces the risk of infections, lowers the chance of allergies, colic, and SIDS, and

supports brain development. Breastfeeding has even been linked to higher IQ levels and

better bonding between parent and child.

For mothers, breastfeeding offers significant health benefits too. It reduces the risks of

breast and ovarian cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. The connection and bonding

during breastfeeding also release oxytocin, a hormone that promotes relaxation and

emotional well-being.

The Science Behind Breastmilk

Breast milk is nothing short of a miracle. It is uniquely designed for your baby, containing a

perfect balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and immunoglobulins, along with vitamins,

minerals, and live microbes tailored to meet your baby’s needs.

  • Colostrum: The first milk produced after birth is rich in proteins and live stem cells,

helping to build your baby’s brain, liver, bones, and more. It also coats the intestines

to protect against harmful bacteria.

  • Adaptability: Breastmilk changes to match your baby’s needs as they grow. It adjusts

during each feed, changes throughout the day with morning milk having different

properties than evening milk to help your baby sleep better at night.

  • Immune Support: When your baby is unwell, their saliva signals your body to

produce milk with specific antibodies to fight the illness.

Overcoming Breastfeeding Challenges

Breastfeeding doesn’t always come naturally, and it’s okay to seek support. If your baby

struggles to latch, prefers one breast, or seems uncomfortable during feeds, there might be

underlying physical issues. Babies who prefer to have their head turned to one side, arch

their backs, or struggle with tummy time, may have spinal challenges that can make

breastfeeding harder. Chiropractic assessment and care may be an important option to try.

Feeding posture

The way baby is held to feed can also play a big role. Traditional cradle holds, with the baby

lying horizontally, can sometimes make feeding more difficult. Gravity can cause milk to

flow too quickly, overwhelming the baby and making it harder to breathe and feed


The Straddle Feeding Position

A more supportive posture worth trying is the straddle position. In this position, the parent

reclines at about a 45-degree angle with the baby laying parallel to their body, tummy to

tummy. This allows the baby to control their head position and the flow of milk. They will

practice their primitive reflexes each time they latch and are to move their head freely for

easy breathing. For parents, supported by cushions, this position is often very comfortable,

reducing strain on the shoulders and neck.

Breastfeeding is about more than feeding—it’s about connection, health, and giving your

baby the best start in life. We are here to provide care and support, to help you overcome

challenges and create a positive breastfeeding experience for both you and your baby.

You’ve got this, and every step you take is a step toward helping your little one thrive!

Yours in Health,

Dorte Bladt D.C.


Gratitude - be thankful for what you haVe


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